Marcelo Andrés Lucero Salamea, Gliceria Petrona Gómez Ceballos


COVID-19 has generated great economic losses to world tourism, among them, the hotel sector has been seriously affected, since as a result of the pandemic its activity has decreased significantly, a situation to which the city of Cuenca in Ecuador selected as object of study for the development of this research, has not been foreign, the objective of the same was formulated as, to determine levels and causes of the economic affectation in the hotel sector of the city caused by the pandemic, as a basis for the improvement of its management in the face of crisis scenarios, supported by the use of methods linked to risk studies; The methodology used was descriptive analytical type, through the use of qualitative and quantitative methods; For the analysis, a questionnaire focused on hotel managers and owners was carried out, the results of which show a significant deterioration in the economic indicators, generating an increase in the unemployment rate, in addition, there is insufficient management and forecasting of risks motivated because the staff does not He is trained in this area, concluding that the impact due to the lack of risk prevention strategies is high, a situation that causes significant losses for the city.

Palabras clave

COVID-19, Risks, Tourism, Hotel Sector, Economic Impact.

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Esta Revista es Editada por la Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Talca, CHILE, 2 Norte 685, Talca. E_mail: o -