Regarding hydrographic microbasins' vegetation and hydrological protection. Case: Membrillo, Manabi – Ecuador

Fabricio Enrique Alcívar Intriago, Josselin Dennis Cabezas Cacierra, José Manuel Calderon Pincay, Kevin Alexander Patiño Alonzo


This study set out to calculate the Hydrological Protection Index (IPH) based on the vegetation that already existed in the Membrillo micro-basin in Manabi, Ecuador. Two phases were proposed, including the identification of the type of vegetation cover and the determination of the HPI based on seven criteria studied in relation to the local vegetation. The proposed methodology is of a quantitative type, and techniques like observation, bibliographic compilation, and the checklist were applied, allowing the establishment of 28 radiated sampling points to cover the entire extension of the micro-basin. The IPH of each monitoring site was thus determined, allowing the calculation of the Partial Protection Hydrological Index (IHPP), which is in the middle of the classification and favors the preservation of the ecological unit's soil, at 0.68. In conclusion, the Membrillo micro-basin is a region with moderate value and is good for conservation.

Palabras clave

micro-watershed, vegetation, hydrological protection index

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Esta Revista es Editada por la Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Talca, CHILE, 2 Norte 685, Talca. E_mail: o -