Methodological trends in the sustainability assessment of ecotourism projects worldwide. A review.
This study conducts a literature review to identify and analyse the different methodological trends that exist in the scientific field related to the sustainability assessment of ecotourism worldwide during the period 2012-2022. The methodology of the study includes an active and systematic search for publications related to sustainability assessment methodologies with a net focus on the term "ecotourism". The literature review was conducted in four electronic databases: Springer Link, Science Direct, Scopus and Taylor & Francis. The results were classified into quartiles and the most relevant components of approach were identified in the methodological trends of sustainability assessment in the identified publications, which include the use of geographic information systems, indexes or indicators, assessments of sustainability perceptions of local communities, and quantitative or qualitative methods. The research concludes by showing the distribution of publications at a global level, the classification of evaluation methods and techniques, and the geographical and chronological distribution of the identified publications, which indicates that environmental, economic and social evaluations are the most relevant components in the methodological trends of sustainability evaluation in ecotourism.
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