Turismo en las ciudades de Molina y Curicó
Palabras clave: Litoral, Atracción.
ABSTRACT: This paper will focus on describing the most visited places by tourists in the cities of Molina and Curicó belonging to Maule Region, Chile. They will release the most attractive places that have these locations both to the mountain range as well as to the coastline of these peoples, first a brief description of the cities, and why are nationally known, then it will be released busiest poles for people and finally give a personal opinion about the site is referring. To achieve the objectives first it will know the area to be analyzed, then collect information on investigations, documents that appear on Web sites, features, among others, and conclude with an analysis and interpretation of information to good way to describe these places. In conclusion these cities has several places of tourist attraction and the province of Curicó can be divided into two sectors, coastal and mountain range and Molina has only one place.
Keywords: Littoral, Attraction.
Palabras clave
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/riatvol6iss2pp%250718-235X
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Esta Revista es Editada por la Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Talca, CHILE, 2 Norte 685, Talca. E_mail: acerda@utalca.cl o riat@utalca.cl - http://riat.utalca.cl