Evaluación de los Niveles de Contaminación Acústica del Centro de la Ciudad de Talca
Palabras claves: ruido, contaminación,
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the analysis of sound pressure levels or noise pollution from the center of the city of Talca and its implications with the current legislation, a common type of pollution in medium and large cities, but little known by the common people. Also, the high number of decibels generated in residential areas affecting the health of its inhabitants. From the foregoing we specific objectives of the study are to measure and determine the emission levels of noise pollution in the urban center of the city of Talca, determine cause harmful effects on the health of people living in this quadrant identify areas of greatest concern and to compare the noise levels with the current legal standard. The results obtained show that the center of the city of Talca is affected by the noise environment in which high levels can be seen in three business units working hours.
Words key: Noise, pollution
Presentado Noviembre 2, 2008 Aceptado Diciembre 15, 2008DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/riatvol5iss1pp1-10%250718-235X
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Esta Revista es Editada por la Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Talca, CHILE, 2 Norte 685, Talca. E_mail: acerda@utalca.cl o riat@utalca.cl - http://riat.utalca.cl