Tourism and economic development: the impact of the pandemic

Arcadio A. Cerda


The pandemic, in addition to deaths, suffering and pain
in people, has undoubtedly generated a significant impact
in reducing the flow of people to places of recreation
and tourism with the consequent impact on economic
and social development both at the local level.
and global, where many local economies had to reinvent
themselves to survive, especially in those places where
state aid arrived late or simply did not arrive.
The appearance of vaccines, despite their possible side
effects, some of which are still to be elucidated, allowed
society to resume its traditional activities in the tourism
sector, opening up the possibility of recovering some
economic capacity, at least for those who were able to
continue operating. . Since people have been restricted
Tourism and economic development: the impact
of the pandemic
Turismo y desarrollo económico: el impacto de la pandemia
for a long time, the demand for tourist and recreational activities has increased significantly, a situation that operators have been taking advantage of. Unfortunately, there has been an increase in prices in this sector higher than other sectors of the economy, some of these price  increases are derived from local situations, but also from the world economic situation where there are expectations of recession with high inflation.

From the point of research, the situation described in the preceding paragraphs opens the opportunity to carry out studies aimed at measuring the impact of what is happening as well as proposing new development measures in the sector. Some of these aspects are treated in this issue of the Journal.

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Esta Revista es Editada por la Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Talca, CHILE, 2 Norte 685, Talca. E_mail: o -