COVID-19's effect on Spanish retail travel agency management. The case of A Coruña

Ángel Rodríguez Pallas, Ana Montoya Reyes, Carlota Lorenzo Pérez


This article's primary goal is to examine COVID-19's effects and changes on how retail travel agencies operate in A Coruña (Spain). The current study investigates past health crises, their impact, and the actions taken by the city's retail agencies in order to accomplish this. Additionally, it examines the opportunities and changes they must deal with. Given the inherent characteristics of this study and the literature review, a qualitative methodology was developed to collect and analyze primary data, which would then be supplemented by secondary sources. Relevant travel agency professionals were chosen for in-depth semi-structured interviews. The results obtained through the accomplishment of the stated sub-objectives and resulting from the previous analysis of the state of the question are then highlighted. The conclusions allow us to state that, first, no other pandemic has required retail agencies to adapt their working style to the limitations and measures set by governments, second, teleworking has become crucial to their ability to continue operating, and third, COVID-19 introduced opportunities and challenges, especially the personalized attention as an strategy to gain a competitive advantage and the security assurance that retailers provide in an environment uncertainty and risk.

Palabras clave

retail travel agencies, tourism intermediaries, Covid-19, pandemic impacts

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